Life in a big city can often feel overwhelming, with the fast-paced changes and constant flux of the world around us. That's why I especially value the daily rituals I maintain—those small, consistent habits that ground me and bring stability to my life. Today, let’s talk about the importance of rituals.
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One of my favorite sitcoms, The Big Bang Theory, features Sheldon Cooper, a genius theoretical physicist with many specific routines. He insists on sitting in the same spot on the couch, eating the same meals, and keeping his home at a precise temperature and humidity level.
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Though sitcoms exaggerate for comedic effect, I, as someone who is easily distracted, sometimes envy that level of routine. My father is also someone who follows a strict schedule, seemingly unaffected by the world's changes, while I often find myself overwhelmed by the unexpected.
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To combat this chaos, I’ve recently started trying to make my life more structured. Waking up, eating, and sleeping at the same times each day, simplifying meal choices, and following a set schedule have begun to calm my mind. Additionally, maintaining certain rituals of beauty and taste in life can add a sense of stability.
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Using my own beautiful and eco-friendly utensils, watering my plants every morning after brushing my teeth, or turning on the indirect lighting in my room at dusk are all small rituals that help me transition smoothly from one state to another. These rituals are essential for a balanced life.
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Incorporating stable elements into an unstable life allows for a bit more predictability each day. While this might reduce surprises, if you value stability over excitement, why not give it a try? My father once said something harsh but true after I complained about my chaotic life: “There’s no such thing as Mercury in retrograde; your life just isn’t structured.”
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