"Isn't it a virtue for a person to remain unperturbed when not recognized by others?" This teaching from Confucius, recorded in the Analects, suggests that a true gentleman does not get upset if others do not know him. Nowadays, many books emphasize "self-promotion" and personal branding, making it seem like not being recognized is a significant issue. However, let's not forget that applauding others and borrowing light from others is also a skill.

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Growing up, we were constantly taught to be humble and to applaud others. Recently, with the rise of bestselling books, a new perspective has emerged: creating a self-brand. No matter the industry, there's a current trend that everyone should promote themselves.

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Self-confidence is good, and showing your strengths at the right time can help you seize opportunities. However, between confidence and humility, there is another possibility—appreciating your abilities even when you are not being noticed.

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What these bestsellers don't mention is that excessive self-promotion can backfire. It can make you seem overly aggressive or lead to situations where you can't live up to your claims, resulting in a loss of confidence when your facade falls apart.

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So, rather than focusing solely on making others see how great you are, it's more important to recognize your own worth. This shouldn't be based on self-delusion but on continuous self-improvement and accumulation of skills.

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When opportunities arise, seize them. When they don't, keep a low profile and cultivate your abilities so that when recognition does come, it feels well-deserved.

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